April 2024

Greetings Village,

First off, thank you so much for the outpouring of support and shared feelings regarding my health “surprises” I shared with you last month. I am happy to report that my fibroid has not grown since the fall, so I will continue to “watch it” with routine ultrasounds. 

And my daily vertigo is cured after two physical therapy sessions at Tria Park Nicollet! YAY!!!!

I also had my Breast Cancer Risk Assessment appointment at the Jane Brattain Breast Cancer Center. (I was referred here after having a Genetic Counseling appointment at the referral of my primary care doctor.) 

I have been diagnosed? with extremely dense breast tissue, which puts me at a higher risk for future breast cancers. Mammograms cannot always catch the beginnings of cancer in my type of tissue; therefore, I have been referred to have a mammogram AND an MRI every year, for the foreseeable future.

My risk assessment also showed that in the future I might be a candidate for preventative chemo!?!?!? I didn’t even know that was a thing! 

Each year, I will meet with my CNP to assess my future risk and plan out any preventative moves we can make. 

Here are two articles regarding my diagnosis…

What a Breast Cancer Risk Calculator Can and Can’t Tell You

Olivia Munn Had Double Mastectomy After Breast Cancer Diagnosis

As for now I will keep eating healthy, move my body, get good sleep, and manage my stress. All of which help prevent cancer.

I feel blessed that my daily life involves Pilates and Breathwork with each of you! 

Our Pilates movements keep our bodies strong, flexible, and healthy.

Breathwork helps us to manage our stress, lower our blood pressure, aids in our digestion, and so much more! 

I hope to see you on the Pilates Mat or Reformer soon, so we can continue to improve our health outcomes together! 




Movement is Medicine…

Prevention is Key…

Self-Advocacy is a Skill… (so work it!)

Trust your GUT…

Health Prevention, Advocacy, and Inner Wisdom... March 2024

Greetings Village,

Recently I have been having some health “surprises.” 

In September, I was diagnosed with vertigo, and just this month received a PT referral to help mitigate my daily episodes. 

In November, during my yearly well-check, I was told I have a baseball-size uterine fibroid (that we are now “watching” with routine ultrasounds).

And this month, after visiting a genetic counselor at the referral of my primary care doctor, I am headed to the Jane Brattain Breast Cancer Center for not only a yearly mammogram, but also a clinic visit to determine my risk for future cancers. 


It’s a lot to share with you all.

So how did all of these symptoms and diagnosis come about? 

Well, the later two came from my yearly well-checks with my DO (Doctor of Osteopathy) and OB-GYN. Without those yearly appointments, I would not have thought about visiting a genetic counselor regarding all the cancer in my family. = PREVENTION

That was at the advice of my DO. 

And I would’ve not known about the uterine fibroid, because currently I am not having any symptoms . . . I’ll spare you the details. 

Now the vertigo is a different story. I came down with severe vertigo on Wednesday, September 6th (you know it’s bad when you remember the date, time, and place). I was able to get a virtual doctor's visit and was prescribed a PT maneuver that I performed, and it alleviated my vertigo within a week or two. 

Fast forward to December 25th… and it came back. Less severe, but it came back. And now every time I lay down flat or tip my head a certain way I get the spins, and it takes a while for my body to adjust to being back upright again. This is every day… 

So after the holidays and the kids were back in school, I called the nurse’s line to try to get in with my primary care doctor as soon as possible. They couldn’t get me in because my symptoms weren’t debilitating enough, so I just went online and made the first appointment she had. = Self-Advocacy

(This was after many phone calls explaining all of my symptoms to the nurses… “No, I AM drinking enough water. Yes, I eat enough food, so it’s not my blood sugar. No, I am not nauseous.”)

I finally got in this week, and after googling my symptoms prior, I demanded a more thorough blood work-up to cover my bases. My DO obliged to check my hemoglobin, and she also referred me to physical therapy.

Will this work? I honestly hope so. I feel too young to be dealing with vertigo everyday, as it affects my ability to teach Pilates, take Yoga, and fully enjoy my ladies dance class on Thursday nights (I can’t do too many turn-like moves in a row without feeling off).

So here I am, hoping for the best. But also sharing this with all of you, to remind you to get your yearly well-checks (PREVENTION). When something is off, talk with your doctor, or another trusted health professional (SELF-ADVOCACY). And trust your inner wisdom - your gut - your instinct.

It is funny how much we rely on the medical field for our symptoms and diagnosis, but we often forget to check-in with our own “gut” on what it is we might need (INNER WISDOM).

Honestly, with all that’s going on with me medically (there are some other random symptoms I’m noticing now as I try to figure my vertigo out) I am going to keep trusting my inner wisdom to guide me, so that I can get my health back on track.

Prior to the vertigo, I have never felt so STRONG and HEALTHY in my body. So hopefully this is just a blip, and the PT will help, my blood work will give any answers that are needed, and I’ll be able to continue to have my yearly well-checks for PREVENTION.




Movement is Medicine…

Prevention is Key…

Self-Advocacy is a Skill… (so work it!)

Trust your GUT…

Squats, Balances, and Planks, Oh My! February 2024

Greetings Village,

It’s funny looking back over the years how my Pilates instruction has evolved. 

As it should, right? 

Some of you have been with me a  l o n g  time and have probably noticed the nuanced changes in my cues, flow, routines, etc. 

Over the past 2 years the biggest changes have come with how I teach breathwork (which I’ve written about in past newsletters), and the addition of squats, planks, and balance work in ALL of my Pilates Mat Classes and any at-home virtual client routines. I’ve even added weights to many of your routines when available. 

I am sure you all love that.

Why the addition of squats, planks, and balance work to the Matwork? Isn’t Pilates Matwork enough? Well sure, but . . .

As I continued to teach the virtual Intermediate-Advanced Mat Class, 

(Tuesdays at 10:30am and Thursdays at 9am) 

I realized that without the use of the Reformer or Chair, we were missing, weekly, some good ol’ strength and balance training. So I added it in.

Then with my at-home clients, I started to do the same. And now that I teach two Pilates Mat Classes at the City of Minnetonka, I always end with a squat and balance series.

So what are the benefits?

  • Improved Balance (because balance is learned)

  • Ability to Squat with Strength & Less Pain

  • Stabilized Hip and Knee Joints

  • Pain Free Hip and Knee Joints

  • Reduction in Lower Back Pain

  • Toned and Strengthened Pelvic Floor

  • AND MORE!!!

This month I have included a short balance series video HERE to test and strengthen your balance. Try It Out and Enjoy! 

If you want some of the benefits I listed above, sign-up for one of the FOUR Mat Classes I teach every week, or contact me to set-up a private session.




Movement is Medicine…

Balance is Learned…

Regular Routines will Boost your Physical Health!

Contact me to sign-up for Mat Classes!

Smiling is Contagious... January 2024

Greetings Village,

After writing last month about finding awe, and reading your thoughtful replies, I found myself more aware of my emotions. Specifically one day while watching Schitt’s Creek (for the 3rd time), I caught myself smiling. I know that sounds weird, but I just became aware that while watching I was happy, present, and…


It made me start to wonder where else in my life could I catch myself… 


enjoying the moment, 

being present?

With that thought, I started to pay more attention and caught more moments:

Driving my daughter in the car to hockey while she is singing boldly to Taylor Swift

Facilitating a group of individuals who are navigating chronic diseases, and listening to how they use humor as a tool for self-compassion*

Playing games with my family… just  not  Monopoly

The list could go on to include moments with my SDS Ladies dance class, moments with my extended family, my friends who are family, etc…

With this new awareness I decided that I wanted to create more space for these moments that make me smile… Whether that means I literally schedule it, become more present in the moment, or look forward to the moments when I know it will happen (like driving Alice to hockey), etc….

And as always, I wonder, what about you? As we start this new year, where do you smile most? How can you create more of those moments in your day, your week, in this first month of 2024?

. . .

And I’d be remiss if I didn’t address the opposite of catching yourself smiling. As I questioned what the opposite might look like my first thought was…

Blankly staring at a phone, endlessly, and anything that takes us away from being present. Can you think of times when you completely check out, more than just to take a break? To me that would be the opposite of “catching yourself smiling.”

So I’ll ask again. As we start this new year, where do you smile most? 

(while reading a good book, getting in nature, coffee with a friend, etc)

Now, how could you create more opportunities for these moments in your day today, 

or this week, 

or in this first month of 2024?



P.S. Remember a smile is contagious!

*I am a volunteer provider at Pathways, A Healing Center. I have been facilitating a group on “Finding Acceptance within the Impermanence of your Chronic Disease” for about 2 years. 

The mission of Minneapolis Pathways is to provide resources and services for people with life threatening or chronic physical illness—as well as caregivers—to explore and experience complementary healing approaches.

If you or someone you know is struggling with chronic illness Pathways is a wonderful resource.

Finding Awe... December 2023

Greetings Village,

I recently took a class on Emotional Resilience for greater health and wellbeing. 

Resilience can be defined as….

“The ability to bounce back after encountering difficulty or setbacks.” 

Dr. Stephen Southwick, Resilience Researcher and Author

One practice to enhance emotional resilience that stood out to me was finding the “awe” moments in our lives. As I wrote about last month, my need to take a break from news headlines for the betterment of my health and wellbeing, not only did I take a break, but I needed to strike a balance to shift my spirits. After the class on emotional resilience, the idea of “seeking the awe” resonated with me.

Dacher Keltner, a psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley, describes experiencing awe as . . .

“the feeling of being in the presence of something vast that transcends your current understanding of the world.”

Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life (Penguin Press)

Experiencing awe can calm our nervous system, reduce our stress, and enhance our health and wellbeing as it connects us to life’s mysteries.

So how can we experience awe? 

Well for me it's in the small moments, the moments that can pass you by if you are too distracted. Makes sense, doesn’t it?

For me, I experience awe the most when I’m in nature, but I don’t always have to be “hiking” outdoors to experience it. Most recently, I stepped outside of my car, grabbed my yoga mat for my 6am class, and saw that the stars in the sky were vivid and bright. They stopped me in my tracks and I just took a moment to gaze in wonder.

Last week, my daughter spotted two large deer in our backyard. They were just staring at us, and us, back at them. Yes Alice and I were in the middle of the morning rush for school, but we stopped and admired the deer in silence.

Have you encountered moments like these?

When do you experience awe?

As with everything, practice helps it to become a habit. 

Once you start seeking awe, the more you will see it.



P.S. I’d love to hear your awe moments!

Taking a Break... November 2023

Greetings Village,

As I sit down to write this newsletter I am taking a purposeful break from reading the news. You see, every morning I scroll through the news app on my phone, scrolling through headlines as I make my way to the wellness section, maybe reading a couple of articles along the way, and then I make my way to the daily Wordle and crossword puzzle to relax. Unfortunately I started to notice feelings of angst and worry, more than my normal. I realized then that I need to step back and take a break from those news headlines for the betterment of my health. AND I needed to find a balance, because I do enjoy being informed.

Does this ever happen to you?

How do you walk away and take a break?

Here are just a few things I have found comforting and science is too . . .

  1. Take a news and/or social media break

  2. Take time to just breathe: Calm | Breathe Bubble

  3. Move your body: Pilates Stretching with the Magic Circle with Pilates Expert Lesley Koehnen of Village Health LLC

  4. Get out in nature (or at least look out the window and observe): https://www.mprnews.org/story/2023/08/22/the-science-of-forest-bathing-5-ways-it-can-boost-health-and-lower-stress

  5. Give someone or something your time, whether that be volunteering or setting that coffee date with a good friend

  6. Your Choice! What comes to mind for you???

P.S. I’d love to hear what you do when you need a break?



Movement is Medicine... October 2023

Greetings Village,

Movement is Medicine!

In the 22+ years that I have been teaching Pilates one thing has drastically changed in regards to chronic pain and physical therapy exercise prescriptions. And that is to keep moving! As long as your pain is not acute, sharp, etc…. We should keep moving through it!

Each week I offer 5 different class opportunities to keep you moving . . .

even through your chronic aches and pains!

I always share different cues and variations, so that you can do what works best for your body.

And in all honesty, I am. I feel so strongly about the benefits of Pilates, and that Pilates is truly for all bodies with their aches and pains. 

From the Pilates Beginner to the more Advanced Pilates Enthusiast  - you can find something to fit your movement needs!

Class Descriptions & Days

Beginning/Intermediate Mat Class (Minnetonka)

Tuesdays at 8:10am AND Wednesdays at 2:15pm

In this class we learn the foundations of the Pilates Matwork exercises, paying careful attention to proper form. I will cue each exercise and give individual modifications for different body injuries, aches, and pains, so you can move more confidently and into the Intermediate/Advanced Class if you wish.

Intermediate/Advanced Mat Class (Virtual)

Tuesdays at 10:30am AND Thursdays at 9am

In this class I guide you through the classical Pilates Matwork series with playful variations. This class involves less cueing than the Beg/Int Class so the movements can flow at a quicker pace. Individual variations and modifications will be given on a “as needed” basis.

Foam Roller Massage (Virtual) 

Thursdays at 8:30am

In this class we will STRETCH AND MASSAGE your neck, shoulders, back, and legs. Doesn’t that sound wonderful???

Which class(es) are you going to sign up for?

See you on the Pilates Mat!

With much love and gratitude,


P.S. Having a hard time deciding? Contact me to see how you can “drop-in” to a class to try it out for FREE!

Wellness Trends... September 2023

Greetings Village!

Every week I read the New York Times Well newsletter. This past month they rounded up the “5 Wellness Trends to Watch” from the first half of this year, which included:

  1. It’s the era of Ozempic.

  2. Saunas are filling up.

  3. There’s a supplement for that.

  4. He’s a six, but he goes to therapy (i.e. therapy in the dating world)  

  5. The quest for more protein continues.

Reading over these topics got me thinking about what wellness “trends” are most important to me, personally, and in my work with my clients. 

You know what stood out . . . 

I mean blaringly stood out?


Lately I’ve been focusing heavily on the breathwork at the beginning of every Pilates Mat Class. I mean if you have been in any of my classes you know I cue breath with every move, but I’ve been starting every class with 3-5 minutes of mindful breathing to get into the body and into the core (it is Pilates of course!).

But Pilates breathwork goes beyond engaging the deep abdominal layers.

By quieting the mind and focusing on the breath one can expect these benefits:

  1. Reduced Stress

  2. Reduced Anxiety

  3. Increased Energy

  4. Enhanced Immunity

  5. Lower Blood Pressure

  6. Increased Circulation

  7. Improved Digestion

  8. Reduced Chronic Pain

  9. Relaxed Muscles

  10. Strengthened Lungs

  11. Improved Mood

  12. Improvement in Sleep

With all of these benefits, why is breathwork not a “wellness trend to watch?”

Sounds like it’s almost too easy, right?

If you are interested in any of the above benefits I invite you to try my weekly Breathwork Class on Thursdays at 8am via Zoom. 

Each month I guide you through different types of breathwork, so you can find one that “fits” your health and wellbeing needs. Many can be found on-line, but as I know from experience sometimes a scheduled session helps us to “show-up” and do the work. 

The format of these virtual sessions will be different from my other class offerings. In order to create a welcoming and calm space, everyone will be muted, and you can choose to have your video on or off.

Don’t forget to check out the NEW Fall Schedule and sign-up for classes. All the info is below!

With much love and gratitude,


P.S. What Wellness “Trend” is most important to your health?